Thursday, December 20, 2007

Athens vs. Sparta

Would you rather live in a state that is only based on military service or a state that helps you with your education? Athens’s type of government is democracy, which the leader is elected by voting. Athens is a city state in Greece that concentrates in arts and education. Athens also values each individual personally. Sparta’s type of government is oligarchy, where the leader serves the military. Sparta is controlled by Athens, which started the Peloponnesian War. Sparta won the war and left the Athens in chaos.

What city state in Ancient Greece is control by military service?

Deyadira Abreu


Why is there so much suffering in the world? This would be a question asked by many philosophers. A philosopher is a person that seeks answers to difficult questions. In Greece the word philosopher means “love of wisdom”. The first philosophers came from Athens in Ancient Greece. When Athens lost to Sparta during the Peloponnesian War, many people were left clueless because they had never been through so much misery. After the war several great thinkers appeared; philosophers. Some of the philosophers from Athens were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Protagoras. Some of these philosophers developed things we still use today, like Aristotle developed the scientific method.

What did the philosopher Aristotle develop that we still use today?

Melanie Mejia

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Golden Age Of Ancient Greece

The Golden Age was a time of peace and prosperity. It’s usually new inventions or ideas. It can also be achievements and art and architecture. One country that went through the Golden Age was Ancient Greece, which was ruled by Pericles. He had three specific policies; to strengthen democracy, strengthen the Athenian Empire, and glorify Athens. He created a direct democracy and the Delian League, which controlled all city-states. He paid artists to create arts with the money that came from the Delian League. He also used the Delian League’s money for the navy.

From where did Pericles get money for the navy?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Welcome To The New Egyptian World <3

We hope you like our page and learn something from it. We put all our hard work and love to create this creative, amazing creation.

Much Love Deya & Melanie